Commentary: Democrats Killed California Police Corporal Ron Singh

This past Saturday a courageous California law enforcement officer, Corporal Ronil “Ron” Singh, died at the hands of California Governor Jerry Brown, Representative Nancy Pelosi and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris.

Oh, they will tell you that it was not them, but an illegal alien named Gustavo Arriaga who pulled the trigger and those who were taken into custody for aiding and abetting: Bernabe Madrigal Castaneda; Erasmo Villegas; Maria Luisa Moreno, plus Arriaga’s brothers Adrian and Conrado Virgen Mendoza, girlfriend Ana Leyde Cervantes and coworker Erik Quiroz who were also arrested for helping him dodge police.

The suspect’s brother, 25-year-old Adrian Virgen, and a co-worker, 32-year-old Erik Razo Quiroz, were arrested on “accessory after the fact” charges for attempting to protect Arriaga. Authorities say both men are also in the country illegally.

Update: Multiple media reports now allege that all seven of those charged in the death of Corporal Ron Singh are illegal aliens.

Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson says that Arriaga was a member of the Sureños street gang and had been arrested twice before on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol.

And Sheriff Christianson got it right when he blamed California’s sanctuary law for preventing local authorities from reporting Perez Arriaga to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency for his previous arrests. Christianson said if he had been deported, Singh would still be alive.

“We can’t ignore the fact that this could’ve been preventable. After SB 54 based on past two arrests for DUI and active warrants, law enforcement would been prohibited from sharing any information with ICE about this criminal gang member,” said the sheriff.

He added that Arriaga crossed the border into Arizona, and has been in the country for a few years illegally.

But Arriaga was never re-arrested and deported for being the United States illegally.

One reason Arriaga was still in the United States and able to kill police Corporal Ron Singh is California Governor Jerry Brown policy that all Mexicans, including illegal aliens, are welcome in California.

Back during the 2014 illegal alien tsunami Gov. Brown said, “If we can put a man on the moon, we can put a man from Mexico to California in 20 minutes.”

Brown has made California a “sanctuary state” by signing the Trust Act and giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. He has also expanded financial aid to illegal immigrants by signing the California DREAM Act. Indeed, Mexico’s former President Peña Nieto reportedly thanked California state officials for embracing foreigners, citing measures that extend state benefits to immigrants.

But it is the Democrats’ lies about their policy of simply not deporting criminal illegal aliens that is most responsible for the murders of Corporal Singh.

Democrats would like Americans to believe that immigration enforcement should focus on deporting “criminal” illegal aliens and leave those who wish to come here to work “jobs Americans won’t do” unmolested.

This lie is what really killed Corporal Ron Singh because, as Arriaga’s case demonstrates so tragically, it is our almost complete lack of border security that allows criminals to enter the United States and engage in drug trafficking and murder.

California Governor Jerry Brown and his open borders allies, such as Representative Nancy Pelosi and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris insist on portraying the illegal aliens flooding into America as downtrodden economic refugees who just want to come here to work, but some 29 percent of those incarcerated in US prisons (about a half-million inmates) are illegal aliens, so clearly illegal border crossing is not a victimless crime as Democrats try to present it.

Indeed a quick search of the crime blotter in any newspaper or news site will turn up dozens of major crimes, such as murder, rape and vehicular homicide perpetrated by illegal aliens. (For more on the subject of murders committed by illegal aliens see this article by our friend Matt Boyle of Breitbart).

In our article “Illegal Immigration Is Not A Victimless Crime” we quoted an eloquent letter to former President Obama from Don Rosenberg who founded after his son Drew Rosenberg was killed by an illegal alien. We once again respectfully quote Mr. Rosenberg:

“Since 1986 illegal aliens have killed more people than all of our wars with the exception of World War II and the Civil War. These real victims certainly deserve some recognition from a government that for all intent and purpose has failed to recognize their existence and ignored and hidden their deaths.

“Finally, I ask you to do one thing for me. You have said numerous times that now is the time for immigration reform. You have said this is the right thing to do. Before you illegally say, ‘Welcome to America’ to those who have caused so much pain and suffering, on your next trip to California let me take you to Drew’s grave and you tell him this is the right thing to do.”

To end the policies that killed police Corporal Ron Singh and Drew Rosenberg, such as Democrats making California a “sanctuary state,” we urge CHQ readers and friends to lend their voices to our “Don’t Waste The Lame Duck, Build The Wall” campaign. Click the link above and send a letter to Republicans in Congress demanding that the GOP stand with President Trump and fund the wall on our southern border, call the White House at 202-456-1111 or use this link to email the White House to let President Trump know you back him and want him to take his case to the nation via a prime-time television address.

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  Reprinted with permission from

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2 Thoughts to “Commentary: Democrats Killed California Police Corporal Ron Singh”

  1. no sanctuary

    What kind of soulless savage makes fun if such an event? Has to be a liberal.

  2. aDeeDoo

